Why Your Company Conference Needs Video Marketing.png


Companies and businesses alike typically have multiple conferences a year. Whether its TED’s Annual Possibility Summit, Inbound by HubSpot, or The Georgia Technology Summit, they all have one thing in common: the need for video marketing.

Video marketing is the use of video content to promote or inform audiences about a brand, product, or event. And although a picture is worth a thousand words, and blog posts can be written so well that readers get lost on the page, there’s nothing like a high quality, professional produced video to really grab a viewer’s attention. And that is exactly what you need for your company’s next conference.

Take our client, Gray.TV for example. They host multiple events throughout the year and one thing that always gets motivated before, during, and after events: video. We’ll explain how we work with our partners to integrate video through every phase of a conference or event to keep the excitement building.


Teaser videos are used to create excitement, anticipation, and spread awareness of an upcoming event, product, or service. There’s nothing like a video showing what a great time people had at a previous event to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out). Plus, it’s a great way to get attendees excited for what’s to come.


The opening of every event should pump up your audience and get them ready for what’s next. A hype video is the perfect addition to the morning’s opening agenda. Plus, early in the morning, video is a great way to get the energy flowing before the coffee kicks in.

On top of kicking off your event with a bang, our team knows how to maximize the time spent at company conferences. It’s not often you have all of your employees in one place. While we’re at events, we put on our producer hats and snag interviews with attendees. If we work with clients ahead of time, we can create a roadmap and get enough content during the event to support a full calendar year.


After the event is over, our work continues. We create event recap videos that serve several purposes. First, they serve as a thank you to the attendees and remind them of the memories created. Second, a recap video gives people who had previous engagements an opportunity to catch up on what they missed.Third, this same recap video can be used as next year’s promo and even a company culture video.

Your event, no matter how big or small, needs a professional video production company on stand-by. One who knows how to film great b-roll, pull interviewees at the right time, and create a video that

reeks of FOMO (fear of missing out). Interested in having Lucie Content fill this role? Contact us today!